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Energetic Phonx information


Hello!New to the website?well welcome!
What is Energetic Phonx?Energetic Phonx is a bot for discord created to moderate most server and to give life to other servers,it's prefix is "Ep".It's also created for small servers and to new server owners that are trying to make their server cool!

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__*All Commands*__
Ep ban-ban the mentioned user
Ep unban-unban the mentioned user
Ep mute-mute the mentioned user (must have mute role)
Ep unmute-unmute the mentioned user (must have mute role)
Ep kick-kick the mentioned user
Ep purge-purge/clear the last message
Ep lock-locks the channel
Ep unlock-unlocks the channel
Ep votekick-adding a poll to ban or kick the mentioned user
Ep say-lets the bot say what is in your head
Ep send-same like "Ep say" but I dm's the mentioned user
Ep cname-lets the admins to change nickname of mentioned user
Ep announce-same as Ep say but it announce everything you will say
Ep poll-creates a poll
Ep play-play rock, paper, scissors
Ep battle-play a battle game on discord
Ep 8ball-let the bot answer your question
Ep mc-play (fake) minecraft
Ep search-search anything without going to google
Ep yt-search any video without going to youtube
Ep em-call a emergency meeting!
Ep eject-ejects the mentioned user just like among us
Ep whois-shows you the info of a mentioned user
Ep serverinfo-shows the info of the server and also the online,dnd,invisible and idle users
Ep cat-shows random cat image
Ep dog-shows random dog image
Ep enable T-enable creating ticket on the channel
Ep disable T-disable creating ticket on a channel
Ep oticket-open a ticket
Ep cticket-close a ticket
Abusing every Commands will result being blacklisted 

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